5.0 /5

Meet Your Instructors and Learn What to Watch Out For
The Publications Governing Your Firm
Pub 4557 & FTC Safeguards Rule - Overview and Penalties
The 12 Basic Steps to Comply with 4557
The Key Role Your Staff Play in Mitigating Risk
Education and Reinforcement
Additional Requirements for Compliance
How to Get Your Clients to Play Ball
How to Reduce The Risk from Client Communications
How to Make Security Automatic for Clients
All about Passwords, MFA, Anti-Virus, and Malware
Encryption, Firewalls, VPN's and Mobile Devices - Best Practices and Settings
How to Protect Stored Client Data
Prepare to Create Your WISP! Download and Print the Templates and Attachments
Part I - Objective Scope & Purpose, Security 6, and 4557 Security Requirements
Part II - Conduct your Security Audit, Inventory Your Data, and Train Your Staff
Part III - Choose a Qualified Provider, Create a Breach Response and Ensure Security for Clients
Summary and Next Steps
4557 Compliance Checklist and Technology Resource Guide
Sample WISP Templates and Required Attachments
Sample Policies, Guides, Checklists and Staff Training Deck
IRS and FTC Publications Library
Handling a Breach - Downloadable Guides & Sample Policy

5.0 /5

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    Frederick W

    Understandable and concise.

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    great course

    this course was great. 5 stars

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    complying with IRS Pub 4557 and FTC safeguards rule

    lots of good information and examples

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    The IRS Publication 4557 and FTC Safeguards Rule course is an absolute must for Accountant and Tax preparer about safeguarding financial information. This meticulously crafted curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of data protection, offering small accounting firms the tools needed to fortify their financial security.

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    Hands-down the BEST use of my time

    I completed the course and was blown away by the depth and completeness of the materials. The course itself was well-designed with great production value and I appreciated the humor. In fact I actually laughed out loud a couple of times which I wouldn't have expected to do in a course about Pub 4557 and FTC Safeguards! I now have a plan to get into compliance and I will use the resources to create my tailored WISP, then do the last couple of things to get FTC compliance as well. Thank you Grove, for making my life easier.

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    Great presentation from the beginning to the end!

    I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end! Very informative and useful material.

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    A great overview in plain language.

    Although I had the publications and various templates, they all seem to address a much bigger firm. Not the single preparer with no staff firms like me. I am moving towards retirement so I am not going to be "expanding" either. It was hard to see how these templates related to me. This course let me see what the true objectives are and that I don't have to address issues in the templates that don't apply to me except to say that they don't. I am going to use the information garnered here to do my own "from scratch" template using elements from those provided to fit my firm's operations and how I store and protect client data. It made a lot more sense to me. I particularly liked that the video presentations were all accompanied by a very complete written discussion that followed along with the video. I was able to copy and paste these into a word document. This was also important to me because I am a visual learner. Just hearing something doesn't stick. I need something to refer to. It will also be an invaluable guide for creating my own highly customized Wisp. Prior to this, I was feeling rather hopeless and was just ready to throw in the towel. I want to do taxes not write technical documents. I already have 99% of all the recommended security measures in place on a hardware and software level but bringing all this information into a cohesive document was a seemingly insurmountable task. Now, I think I can do it.

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    complying with pub 4557

    very informative

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    Overview of IRS publication and Penalties

    The information is very helpful

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    Document Library Comprehensive

    Entertaining course.

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    Very informative Course re IRS 4557

    Once I got past the campy nature of the platform and the presentation I found the speakers and the material to be very valuable and instructive. Recommended.

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    John Jerry
    How to Get Your Clients to take Security seriosly

    When on boarding new clients, you include Security in your request for information using a secure portal for requesting and receiving information. Educate the client about Security and internet traps to beware of phishing and attachments to never open if you cannot trust the source.

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    Awesome! Entertaining!

    This program was really well put together and the content is very thorough. There are many templates and guides available for download, which are very helpful.

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    Dawn Brolin got my attention!

    Hey Dawn, Great job, You got my attention... Thanks for the pep talk and motivation...

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    Complying with IRS Publication 4557 and FTC Safeguards Rule

    5 stars!

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    Small firm

    Gave great resources and covered items fully.

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    Good Job

    I found the information very informative and helpful. I plan to use the samples and handouts for me to understand what I need to do.

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    Course Was Excellent

    This course was excellent. I liked that there were different presenters to keep my attention. Each segment was concise and to the point, I especially liked Dawn Brolin who was energetic and lively. The fact that this course provided all the tools for complying with IRS Pub 4557 and the Safeguards rule is why it stands above other courses along with the step by step instructions for completing them

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    IRS Publication 4557 Compliance

    Good information and guidance.

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    Computer security WISP terminology and best practices

    This course was packed full of information. It was presented in an upbeat manner that held your attention. They explained the technology and its importance and provided samples, and explanations on how to keep your firm and customer data secure. I would highly recommend.

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    Complying with IRS Publication 4557 and FTC Safeguards Rule

    Very informative and excellent resource guide.

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    Complete, thorough and FUN!

    Not only was this course thorough in educating me on the FTC rules, it was super fun. All of the agents were great ... especially the TRUE agent 5 (Dawn Brolin) ;-)

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Meet the Instructors

Dawn Brolin, CPA, CFE

2022 Top Presenter and Top 100 Acct, Dawn is an expert in tax, fraud and accounting.

Randy Johnston, CPA

Respected for over 40 years, Randy is one of the Top 25 Most Influential Accountants.

Steve Perkins, CIO
HoganTaylor LLP

With decades of IT and Security experience, Steve leads IT for a Top 100 firm.

Andrew Lassise, CEO

A Top 100 Managed Service Provider, Andrew helps firms easily manage security and IT.